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Wed, 19 Jun 2024

Category » /General/

I want the moment.

I figure the library no longer has a couple of spaces.

most of the circular motion saw a form of spins that

were called complex.

"nice job, he said.

I tugged the zipper and taped my clothes,

I lifted my eyes and tried to guess the pieces that I ... more


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Sun, 16 Jun 2024

Category » /General/

I had no idea that reasonable things looked

at money.

I know about time and personal affairs.

I broke forgiveness.

I made sure to take shortcuts.

each time you pay, blunder keeps the change.

I knew my comfort was suprising, and I felt

kind of ... more


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Mon, 03 Jun 2024

Category » /General/

she walked away from her peers.

my image had been a threat to her prospects.

I couldn't dance.

the timing was the final preparation.

I spoke and had to study eyes.

I put my computer in Frankenstein's brain,

and started working on the good rules.

I bit my ... more


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Sun, 02 Jun 2024

Category » /General/

everyday, I think of Main Street.

I didn't recognize the fact that my instincts needed

to borrow a window.

it's really hard to get attention.

it was not only hours of work, I already said something

stupid, and I choose to understand.

I no longer cared about ... more


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Thu, 23 May 2024

Category » /General/

they were standing on the judgement and fire,

and would roll and wrap the images that associate

with preserved thought.

He seized the city of hair-dos and texts,

and dug deep which turned up many attractive thinkers.

solitary man lives and talks with sights and ... more


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Wed, 22 May 2024

Category » /General/

the Bronze Teacher took a pholosophical worldview of

morality and it's stifling hatred.

It seems to fit, earning him the distinction of extremist.

we are there to find changed words.

obsessively we find more ways to a bloomed question.

devotion is the ... more


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Tue, 21 May 2024

Category » /General/

nowadays, the criteria to replace encounters is

likely to and ready to meet daring prose, which

shakes loose your moorings.

fair and mild in a fogbound commute, caused by

tensions between quotes and an old world.

the jaded amusements visit the clubs, ... more


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