Wed, 24 Aug 2022
An openness. It won't
last. I will burn day in, day out.
I will not bite your lips.
The scandal implodes.
The silence has no control on words
on wild mind. It is holocaust.
Why has love gone?
Centuries wait to be washed off
the crimes of Homo sapiens.
Mon, 22 Aug 2022
You lived in me.
Pure words. Passion changes the
climate, when death is in the care of flowers.
You are playing a
pivotal role to mix hate and love.
Meanwhile I search for the light in darkness.
Ah, grace was not enough
What is mercy? We ... more
Sun, 21 Aug 2022
In the blood red pain,
there is some nakedness. You wanted to
kiss, not as a penitent under the mistletoe.
Do not pledge after the
withdrawal, without a. haustorium. The
tears stand for the loyalty of fire.
Between the fever and the
medusae, ... more
Sat, 20 Aug 2022
Terrified. Something great,
unknown of lips and kisses, chewing
bitter hawthorn. But we two think separately.
Years are becoming very
small. They're like jaguars without
hooves. I drink from your hands.
I was losing weight
of truth. The masses ... more
Fri, 19 Aug 2022
Deep gaping. For that
you go to eat fire like cassowary.
The dragonflies float to hunt the stars.
My voice will not die
after the call of the sky. Where is requiem?
Has the hate been buried in water?
I will survive with
kingfishers, though ... more
Thu, 18 Aug 2022
To happen and between
happened there was, a time to introspect,
hatching a cryptic ache.
Sitting on the rainbow in
morning, the importance of justice was
evident. But black clovers snatched.
I will repeat. The arc
was very long. Who hangs to ... more
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