
Gospel Mystery Revealed

Category: /General/

I am the very least of the saints,
For preaching to the Gentiles;
Notwithstanding any constraints,
To change immoral lifestyles.

This grace was given for preaching,
The unsearchable wealth of Christ;
Bringing light to all in teaching,
The reason He was sacrificed.

The mystery hid for ages,
In God who created all things;
The intent revealed in stages,
That knowledge of the wisdom brings.

Through the church knowledge now be made,
The manifold wisdom of God;
How the authorities portrayed,
Heavenly places became flawed.

This per the eternal purpose,
In Christ Jesus has been realized;
Forgiveness to those who trespass,
Confession has revitalized.

Through faith, we are given access,
With the confidence in the Son;
In whom we now have the boldness,
For preaching in what He had done.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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