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Fri, 26 Jul 2024

Category » /General/

Remember Christ rose from the dead,

In accordance with the Gospel;

For in the Scripture, it was said,

To spread the Word ... more


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Thu, 25 Jul 2024

Category » /General/

Put on as God’s elect,

The holy chose ones;

Compassionately select,

Humbled daughters and sons.

Bearing with ... more


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Wed, 24 Jul 2024

Category » /General/

Continue steadfastly in prayer,

Being watchful with thanksgiving;

Praying unto the Lord to share,

Your current outlook on ... more


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Mon, 22 Jul 2024

Category » /General/

The preacher was wise as he taught,

Knowledge and wisdom to study;

He gave good heed that they had sought,

Care of ... more


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Sat, 20 Jul 2024

Category » /General/

I thank the Lord who gave me strength,

Appointing me to His service;

To persevere at any length,

Judged me faithful ... more


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Sat, 20 Jul 2024

Category » /General/

We ought to give thanks to God,

God chose you as His firstfruits;

Blessings to honor and laud,

By your brief that ... more


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Thu, 18 Jul 2024

Category » /General/

Let me hear what the Lord will speak,

To His people, He will speak peace;

But let them not turn back to seek,

To cause ... more


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