

Category: /General/

When the needy go seek water,
Their thirsty tongue is finding none;
Parched from the thirst is the daughter,
Along the same line for the son.

The Lord responds to answer them,
The Lord your God will not forsake;
Ensuring He will not condemn,
In causing your body to ache.

He will open steams in high places,
Fountains flow amid the hollow;
A lake formed by His good graces,
Pure water conceived as hallow.

He puts in the wilderness, trees,
In the desert you will see pine;
Swaying gently by flowing breeze,
Bestowed by the Holy Divine.

That you will see, and you will know,
Believe and realize together;
What the Almighty does to show,
Under the shaded trees, you gather.

As done by the Hand of the Lord,
Created by the Holy One;
Promises will not be ignored,
The future of hope shall be done.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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