
Complete Collection Appeal

Category: /General/

You know about the grace of God,
That has been given to the church;
Severe test to honor and laud,
When afflicted as you will search.

Abundant joy to the extreme,
As poverty has overflowed;
Wealth no longer flows like a dream,
But salvation has been hallowed.

You gave according to your means,
That has been bestowed on the Lord;
I can testify as it seems,
That you remain in one accord.

Pray earnestly for the favor,
Ministering unto the saints;
Preach the Word of our Savior,
And with showing of no restraints.

Do this not as you expected,
Rather give first fruits to the Lord;
For it will not be rejected,
In giving what you can afford.

We urge you as it had started,
You should complete this act of grace;
And that you remain kind-hearted,
After you exit from this place.

You will excel in everything,
In the knowledge and the wisdom;
In faith and the love it will bring,
Noted entering His Kingdom.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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