
Pray for Spiritual Insight

Category: /General/

I heard of your faith in the Lord,
And of your love towards all the saints;
Cease not nor let it be ignored,
Keep on praying without restraints.

Do not cease in your giving cheers,
Remember me in your prayers;
It is the Lord that one reveres,
Remembering all that one shares.

The Father of our Savior,
And the Father of Jesus Christ;
May His Spirit to find favor,
Giving wisdom to be enticed.

The knowledge of revelation,
Giving eyes to open the heart;
For having the aspiration,
For His Word able to impart.

So that you may what is the hope,
Glory in His inheritance;
Until then be able to cope,
And the reason for penitence.

The immeasurable greatness,
His power to those who believe;
The working of His mightiness,
The ample that you will receive.

The Holy Spirit wrought in Christ,
When He had been raised from the dead;
On the cross, He was sacrificed,
The breath of life He was then fed.

Far up on the right hand of God,
Authority of His dominion;
Everyone to honor and laud,
With the Father have communion.

He gave the Son over the church,
Putting all things under His feet;
Alert to evil that would lurch,
His fullness to all He does greet.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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