
Wisdom Brings Happiness

Category: /General/

Blessings to those who find wisdom,
By getting the understanding;
He gains knowledge of the Kingdom,
And knows what God is demanding.

The gain is better than silver,
And profits are better than gold;
Salvation it will deliver,
When the prophecy does unfold.

She is much more precious than jewels,
Nothing you desire compares;
It is giving your mind the tools,
Of what each of the Scriptures shares.

Her right hand indicates long life,
Her left hand is wealth and honor;
That helps you tolerate the strife,
For professing as a fawner.

Her ways are filled with pleasantness,
And her paths are the ways to peace;
And can detect deceitfulness,
From Satan trying to increase.

She’s the tree of life to whom lays hold,
They have been blest that have held fast;
They are the ones that God has told,
Salvation shall be ever last.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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