
Avoid the Violent Path

Category: /General/

Forsake not of my teaching,
Place gracefully on your head;
Through your ear, it is reaching,
As to that, your mind is fed.

Let sinners not entice you,
Never to lie in their blood;
For they will never construe,
In the deluge of a flood.

Hell will swallow them alive,
Going down into the pit;
Their souls will never survive,
Since not spiritually fit.

They would find all precious things,
And fill houses with plunder;
To cast off their lot that brings,
The wrath of God with thunder.

Do not walk their way with them,
Hold back your foot from their path;
For I know God will condemn,
To feel the force of His wrath.

For their feet run to evil,
They make haste in shedding blood;
Nets spread snared by the devil,
While drowning in the flood.

For their blood, they lie in wait,
Unaware of their demise;
In Heaven, finds a locked gate,
As Satan did take their lives.

The ways for the unjust gain,
Greed is taking away life;
Desire will cause them pain,
Being possessors of strife.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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