
Burden Carry

Category: /General/

Bear the burdens of another,
So you can fulfill the Law of Christ;
Helping your sister and brother,
Honored when you have sacrificed.

For if one thinks they are something,
It is themselves that has deceived;
Because they are really nothing,
No blessing shall then be received.

But let each one prove their own deed,
Boasting alone of their labor;
What they are able to succeed,
Not comparing to their neighbor.

Each will have to bear their own load,
Let the one who is taught to share;
Blessings are scoped how they have flowed,
To the one who shows that they care.

Whatever that someone will sow,
Will be what they reap and receive;
God is not mocked since He will know,
Never think that they can deceive.

Sowing from the flesh reaps corruption,
The harvesting produces sin;
And immoral depravation,
Which will rot the roots deep within.

But one that sows to the Spirit,
Eternal life is what they reap;
From salvation they inherit,
When Christ wakes them up from their sleep.

Grow not weary by doing good,
Do not give up because of strife;
For in due season that you should,
Harvest your blessings in your life.

So everyone will have a chance,
For those of faith in your household;
That they are able to advance,
Towards God as His plan does unfold.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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