
Two Ways

Category: /General/

Bless the man who avoids evil,
Nor stands in the way of sinners;
Nor sits with those of the devil,
For they are heavenly winners.

Delight in the Law of the Lord,
Meditate on it day and night;
Being in step in one accord,
And be a blessing in His sight.

Like a tree planted by a stream.
In its season its fruit will yield;
Leaves not wither for its esteem,
Will be prosperous in the field.

The ungodly will never be,
Like chaff that the wind drives away;
They are merely too blind to see,
Because they keep going astray.

In judgment, evil cannot stand,
Nor sinners before the righteous;
Rather will be on sinking sand,
And condemned by godly justice.

For the Lord is knowing the way,
That the ungodly shall perish;
Since the righteous will never stray,
Being a delight God will cherish.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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