
Undeserved Suffering

Category: /General/

Who is there to harm you,
Zealous for what is good;
For if your faith is true,
It will shield as it should.

Even if you suffer,
For His righteousness sake;
His blessing will buffer,
For evil others make.

Be not afraid of them,
Neither to be troubled;
God’s judgment will condemn,
In His wing when huddled.

Sanctify the Lord God,
Honor Christ as holy;
Give Him honor and laud,
As the One and only.

Be prepared for defense,
When asked for a reason;
Some may take offense,
About God’s only Son.

Do it with gentleness,
In showing them respect;
A good consciousness,
Another may reflect.

For if you are slandered,
From those who reviled;
Never to have pandered,
That lets Christ be defiled.

It is better to suffer,
By doing of God’s will;
Although it gets tougher,
Your faith will then instill.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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