
Be Humbled

Category: /General/

Humble yourself to His hand,
So that He may exalt you;
Abiding by His command,
Remaining faithful and true.

God casts your anxieties,
Because He does care for you;
Also your iniquities,
Through confession to pursue.

Be sober and vigilant,
About the roaring lion;
Satan prowls and is violent,
Outside the gates of Zion.

He will seek to devour,
For the faith in which you lack;
Uncertain of the hour,
He will attack from the back.

Resist having your faith firm,
For he afflicts suffering;
His attacks for the long term,
But Christ will be buffering.

After you suffer in time,
The eternal glory of Christ;
He will assist in your climb,
To be able to resist.

For the grace of God restores,
Strengthens you to establish;
For resisting the uproars,
Conduct that is devilish.

To Him be the dominion,
Glory that will not sever;
With God be your reunion,
Eternally forever.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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