
The Law of Liberty

Category: /General/

One person esteems one day,
As better than another;
Each one convinced to go stray,
His mind against his brother.

The one who observes the day,
Observes to honor the Lord;
Knows how to trust and obey,
And remain in one accord.

Eat in honoring the Lord,
By giving thanks unto God;
Show He is loved and adored,
Thanking with honor and laud.

For yourself, you do not live,
For yourself, you do not die;
The willingness to forgive,
Through your confession is why.

Christ died and rose and revived,
As Lord of the dead and living;
So that you are not deprived,
To have a new beginning.

Never judge on your brother,
Nor ever try to despise;
Let God judge one another,
Because His wisdom is wise.

Every knee shall bow to Him,
And every tongue shall confess;
No longer in feeling grim,
Eternal life He will bless.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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