Restoring Israel
Category: /General/
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God created and formed you,
And He has also redeemed;
You are His treasured value,
You are the light that has gleamed.
When you pass through the waters,
The Lord will be guiding you;
Be with your sons and daughters,
In your trek to continue.
You won’t be burned by the flame,
When walking by the fire;
As you proceed to proclaim,
Following God’s desire.
For He is the Lord your God,
Holy One of Israel;
Who you must honor and laud,
As your Savior having zeal.
You are precious to His eyes,
He honors and He loves you;
Gives wisdom to make you wise,
That all written know is true.
He is with you so fear not,
Your offspring come from the east;
As those in the west has sought,
As He will prepare a feast.
Bring back your sons from afar,
Your daughters throughout the earth;
To be guided by the star,
Unto who has given birth.
All who is called by His name,
His glory is created;
He formed you as to proclaim,
And in being elated.
Copyright © 2025 Richard Newton Sherrer
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