

Category: /General/

The preacher was wise as he taught,
Knowledge and wisdom to study;
He gave good heed that they had sought,
Care of proverbs and hymnody.

The preacher sought words of delight,
Uprightly he wrote words of truth;
By giving the proper insight,
That they had learned during their youth.

The words of the wise are like goads,
Like nails fixed to composed sayings;
Given to a Shepherd on the roads;
Places where the sheep graze He brings.

Beware of books that are beyond these,
Many books seem to have no end;
They have shoddy abilities,
With weariness that will offend.

The end of the matter is heard,
Fear God and keep His commandments;
For man’s duty is in the Word,
Because all deeds are His judgments.

Judgment of every secret thing,
Whether they are good or evil;
No matter of results they bring,
Which deeds are serving the devil?

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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