
The Fifth Vision

Category: /General/

An angel who had talked to me,
Came and woke me up from my sleep;
He had asked me, “What do you see?”
A lampstand for the flame to keep.

A lampstand that was all of gold,
With a round bowl on top of it;
Seven lamps that were looking bold,
Seven churches that were legit.

Olive trees on the left and right,
An olive tree, one on each side;
I had asked him to give insight,
“What does this mean as it applied.”

Then the angel had said to me,
“Do you not know what this all means?”
“No, I do not know what I see,”
“I cannot interpret dreams.”

“This is from the Word of the Lord,”
“Not by power nor by your might;”
“But by the Spirit has adored,”
Says the Lord of Hosts through His cite.

“Who are you, O mighty mountain?”
“You shall bring forward the top stone;”
“Grace, grace to it as a fountain,”
“Flowing pure water from His throne”.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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