


Christian Life Consistency

Category: /General/

Look carefully at how you walk,
Not as unwise but as wise;
Making the best as you talk,
Days of evil full of lies.

Redeem time days are evil,
Not foolish in what you do;
Heed to avoid the devil,
Understanding what is true.

Perceive the will of the Lord,
And not getting drunk on wine;
For that is debauchery,
But His Spirit is divine.

But be filled with the Spirit,
Address each other a psalm;
With your heart that you merit,
While writing out a poem.

Give thanks through spiritual song,
Making melody to the Lord;
Making your faith sound and strong,
And to be in one accord.

Give thanks for all things to God,
The Father of our Lord;
Respect through honor and laud,
That He is loved and adored.

Submit to one another,
Through God that you revere;
Having Christ as your brother,
Showing that you are sincere.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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