
Reconciliation Ministry

Category: /General/
We regard no one as per their form,
Although we once regarded Christ;
We regard no more as the norm,
Since its attraction has enticed.

For if anyone is in Christ,
And they became a new creature;
And the old has been sacrificed,
All things become a new feature.

All of these things have come from God,
Through Christ has been reconciled;
Because the old form has been flawed,
Corruption made it defiled.

For Christ reconciled this place,
Not counting the sin against them;
Trusting this message to embrace,
As a means of not to condemn.

For Christ we are ambassadors,
That God makes His appeal through us;
On His behalf as His warriors,
Be accordant to God as thus.

God made Christ to suck our sin,
For becoming righteous with God;
Letting His Spirit cleanse within,
That had made us to become flawed

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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