


Thankful Hearts

Category: /General/

I give thanks unto the Lord,
With my whole heart and sing His praise;
Showing He is loved and adored,
In living throughout all these days.

For I bow down towards His temple,
Giving Him thanks unto His Name;
For steadfast love to His people,
His faithfulness that I proclaim.

He is magnified above all,
Through all things of His Name and Word;
He renders His aid when I call,
My cries for help He always heard.

The day I cry, He answers me,
My strength of soul He does increase;
He comes to satisfy my plea,
So that my anxieties cease.

All kings of the earth shall give thanks,
When they have heard His words spoken;
Sending decrees down through their ranks,
Of the future as foretoken.

They shall sing the ways of the Lord,
The glory of the Lord is great;
Some gentiles that have ignored,
Are about to seal their own fate.

Even though the Lord may be high,
He has respect for the lowly;
The haughty and proud know not why,
Being conceived as unholy.

Though I walk amid the trouble,
The Lord is preserving my life;
His hand pulls me from the rubble,
Comforts me through toils and strife.

His hand stretches to block the wrath,
That my enemies have set forth;
And through the straight and narrow path,
Guiding me on the righteous course.

The Lord fulfills His goals for me,
Through His mercy and steadfast love;
While giving insight to see,
Never to forsake the Lord thereof.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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