
A Royal Wedding Song

Category: /General/

My heart overflows with pleasure,
To address my words to the king;
My tongue and pen I treasure;
Of a ready scribe that will sing.

Fairer than the children of men,
Grace is poured out upon the tongue;
God has blest forever again,
Poetic words that have been flung.

I gird my sword upon my thigh,
With His glory and majesty;
The splendid ride riding on high,
From the truth victoriously.

For the meekness and righteousness,
Lets His right hand teach awesome deeds;
While using a cautiousness,
The enemy hides amongst the weeds.

The Lord’s throne has been forever,
His Kingdom is of uprightness;
Very solid and won’t sever,
A sovereignty of righteousness.

The Lord always loved righteousness,
He has anointed you with oil;
Beyond companions in gladness,
Hating the wicked turmoil.

Your robes smelling fragrance with myrrh,
Ivory palaces stringed with gladness;
Vision no longer as a blur,
No longer shrouded with sadness.

King’s daughters are girls of honor,
Stands the queen of gold on the right;
Being a spiritual fawner,
While walking within the light.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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