


Messiah Jubilee

Category: /General/

The Spirit of the Lord,
Is upon me because;
Anointed me where flawed,
Having strayed from His Laws.

He sent me to bind up,
Liberty to captives;
Pour good news in the cup,
Through the Lord that one lives.

Laud the year of the Lord,
Proclaiming His favor;
Comfort those who adored,
That Christ is their Savior.

The day vengeance of God,
Granting on those who mourn;
Anoint oil to laud,
To Zion, they will sojourn.

Wear a garment of praise,
Not of a faint spirit;
To glorify always,
What they do inherit.

Build up ancient ruins,
Raise the devastations;
As destroyed by the Huns,
And past generations.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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