Israeli Restoration
Category: /General/
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He who has created you,
Fear not for you are redeemed;
You are formed as to be true,
No longer shall be blasphemed.
For you have been called by name,
And you now belong to Him;
Pass through water to proclaim,
Your joy is filled to the brim.
He’ll be with you through rivers,
They shall not overwhelm you;
He’ll clothe you from the shivers,
Warm you with flames to pursue.
You won’t be burned by fire,
The flame shall not consume you;
For it is God’s desire,
Your quest that you continue.
For He is the Lord your God,
The Holy One and your Savior;
That you will honor and laud,
He looks on you with favor.
You are precious in His eyes,
Honored and loves you so much;
He gives insight to make you wise;
When you feel His gentle touch.
Fear not for He is with you,
He’ll bring home those in the east;
Those in the west that are Jew,
Sets a table for a feast.
Those in the north to give up,
And in the south keep not back;
He will fill wine in the cup,
For the starving that they lack.
Bring here your sons from afar,
Daughters from ends of the earth;
Being guided by the star,
Above the Messiah’s birth.
Everyone called by His name,
For His glory had been made;
Go continue to proclaim,
To others who must be swayed.
Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer
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