Victorious Resurrection
Category: /General/
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Flesh and blood cannot inherit,
Nor does the imperishable;
It is your faith and your merit,
God thinks of as perishable.
For I tell you a mystery,
We will be changed and not all sleep;
Looking down throughout history,
No possessions that we will keep.
For in the twinkling of your eyes,
When hearing the last trumpet sound;
The imperishable shall then rise,
Finding themselves as Heaven bound.
For this body is perishable,
We must have immortality;
Because this body is mortal,
Molded to be a casualty.
Your life is filled with corruption,
As this body shall pass away;
Faith will cause an interruption,
No longer you would go astray.
Death is swallowed by victory,
As for death, where would be your sting;
Does it come from fame and glory?
Rather what salvation would bring.
Because the sting of death is sin,
And the power of sin is the law;
The Holy Spirit cleans within,
For purifying every flaw.
But thankfulness be unto God,
Giving us victory through Christ;
And reason to honor and laud,
To become heavenly enticed.
Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer
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