


Certainty of Testimony

Category: /General/

He who came by water and blood,
The Holy Spirit testifies;
Just like Noah endured the flood,
The triune God will not tell lies.

For the Spirit has told the truth,
As all three will always agree;
That you knew about since your youth,
With faith in what you do not see.

There are three that do bear witness,
That these three correspond as one;
Blesses with spiritual fitness,
The Father, Spirit, and the Son.

Whoever believes in the Son,
In being as the Son of God;
Believes what Jesus Christ had done,
Was crucified not as a fraud.

Unbelief makes God a liar,
Of His Son born of the Spirit;
Will die in the Lake of Fire,
Not be blest for to inherit.

For God gave us eternal life,
Eternal life is in His Son;
Free from all of the earthly strife,
Given salvation that was won.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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