

Category: /General/

Hear me, O Lord when I cry,
Be gracious and answer me;
Giving out a mournful sigh,
For my distress, You can see.

My heart says to seek my face,
Your face O Lord do I seek;
Let me feel Your sweet embrace,
Because of my feeling weak.

Conceal not Your face from me,
Turn not Your servant away;
With no desire to flee,
For I do not want to stray.

My parents did forsake me,
Abandoned because of sin;
An orphan on bended knee,
I plead the Lord takes me in.

Teach me of Your way, O Lord,
Lead me on a level path;
As to live in one accord,
Far from my foes and their wrath.

My foes will bear false witness,
And breathing out violence;
Boost my spiritual fitness,
For You are my best defense.

I believe in Your goodness,
In the land of the living;
Away from vulgar rudeness,
Violent chaos would bring.

So I wait for you O Lord,
Letting Your heart take courage;
Strengthening me to afford,
With You never to discourage.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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