
Leading and Living

Category: /General/

Humble yourself in front of God,
The proper time He exalts you;
When you show Him honor and laud,
Under His mighty hand remain true.

Cast all of your anxieties,
Because He really cares for you;
He will erase iniquities,
And evil thoughts you did pursue.

Be sober-minded and alert,
Your enemy is the devil;
A roaring lion to subvert,
In consumption of his evil.

Be firm in your faith to resist,
Knowing the same afflictions;
Affecting others to exist,
Your brotherhood with addictions.

But for suffering God gives grace,
Through Christ, He strengthens and restores;
Consoles and comforts to embrace,
That inspires and reassures.

Christ is the Shepherd of the flock,
Living and leading forever;
His sheep hear Him when He does talk,
Filled with love that will not sever.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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