


Sin and Redemption

Category: /General/

The Lord’s hand has not been shortened,
That He is not able to save;
Nor His ear has not been conditioned,
For hearing the call that you gave.

But darkness made separation,
Between you and God for your sin;
Blocking you from your salvation,
Since no spiritual discipline.

He has hidden from you His face,
From you and not able to hear;
And why you have fallen from grace,
Enters not His church to revere.

For your hands have been defiled,
Your fingers with iniquity;
Unrighteous acts have gone wild,
Because of immorality.

Your lips have spoken many lies,
Your tongue has muttered perverseness;
You have lusted with heart and eyes,
Because of lack constrainedness.

No one can enter suit justly,
They will speak lies on empty pleas;
They would rather trust vanity,
Like the waves as tossed in the seas.

The spider’s web is being weaved;
The eggs have hatched of the adder;
The spider dies being deceived,
And is eaten by the viper.

The web shall not be a garment,
Men cannot cover what they make;
Evil cannot make a rainment,
When you cause the Lord to forsake.

Deeds of violence on their hands,
Innocent blood that they have shed;
Desolation is where one stands,
The evil that they have been fed.

The way of peace they do not know,
There is no justice in their path;
The crooked path will only show,
The Lord is giving them their wrath.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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