Life Is ---
Category: /General/
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Plain as the path I walk alone;For any bother or delay.
Those who might say I did them dirt
I've given others on this day.
Above the anger and hate and turmoil pain,
Where fields reach out to meet the skies
I saw a vision changless as the stars,
And nothing to say where my limits lie.
The impulse moved to kindness
Tight held within a narrow petty wall,
In deeds of daring behavior, in contempt
And none there are to sound a swift recall.
Discord, quenched by large moving air,
It is but a dream.
Watching to ease the burden of the world.
It is but a scream.
Breathing a beautiful order
That links the North, and the South, the East
and the West
For what we struggled, failed, and agonized
Goes out itself to only know the best.
I shall fold my eyelids, and the cloudy sky
Life is a game.
My better self shall live until human time,
It is but a flame.
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