
Obedience Call

Category: /General/

It’s a statute for Israel,
A rule of the God of Isaac;
From Zion on the holy hill,
Because of all of the havoc.

In Joseph, He made a decree,
After going over the land;
A Law that made the people flee,
Although I could not understand.

God relieved them of their burden,
Their hands were freed from the basket;
They felt at ease with less burthen,
Less likely to bear a casket.

In distress, you called, God rescued,
He answered from a secret place;
Where lightning and thunder were viewed,
For giving you mercy and grace.

Hear your Lord who will testify,
Because He will admonish you;
The strange gods you have to deny,
Only the triune God is true.

There shall be no strange gods in you,
Bow not down to a foreign god;
The triune God’s priceless value,
Any other god is a fraud.

Jehovah is the Lord your God,
Who had brought you into this land;
Open your mouth to praise and laud,
Obedient to His command.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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