


Efficient Prayer

Category: /General/

Is any of you suffering?
Allow them to proceed to pray;
For Christ will give them buffering,
If they continue to obey.

Is anyone feeling cheerful?
Let them sing out a joyous praise;
Be dutiful to God not fearful,
Rather as respectful always.

Are any of you might be ill?
Let them call on the church elders;
They will pray to God to instill,
Anoint oil for disorders.

A prayer of faith will save the one,
Who is sick raising to the Lord;
Forgiving the sins through the Son,
So that the person can be cured.

Confess your sins to each other,
And praying that you will be healed;
Fervent prayer works for your brother,
Against evil that is concealed.

Elijah, a man of nature,
Prayed fervently that it not rain;
Over three years a dry feature,
Caused the land in feeling the pain.

Then he prayed for rain from Heaven,
The trees were reviving their roots;
The rain that the Lord had given,
The earth had brought forth all its fruits.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Newton Sherrer

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