
1/11/19 The Basics With Pastor Beth

Category: /General/
You were anointed with the oil of joy.
You loved righteousness.
Reinvention is a process.
I can have a do over.
I can do a reset and a reboot.
I am bored and I need to change.
Boredom and change are opportunities to reinvent and/or for Reinvention.
I have a real self and an ideal self.
My spirit is the real me who You speak to.
My spirit is the real me who contacts You.
Without the body, I can't be on the Earth.
You have an ideal self for me.
The distance between the real and ideal selves is called the gap.
I need to dig into Your Word.
I need to close the gap between the real self and ideal self.
My real self is bored and needs change.
You are the Spirit and where You are, Holy Spirit, there is liberty.
You are Generous and You are Good all of the time.
You are a Giver.
You are Merciful, Longsuffering, Patient and Kind.
It's Your kindness that leads to repentance.
For the joy set before You, You endured the Cross.
Your Spirit, not my body, should be in charge.
You are worth more than the crown.
I need to get wisdom from You.
I need to listen to You.
You are helping me.
Amen, thank You.

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