

Category: /General/

Planetary satellites flow with rivers of moonbeams
this full moon of romance
Illuminate the bronze curve of her hips
My hands begin to dance
Gleefully they wander and trace tone thighs with fingertips
Tantalize and hypnotize this late night lovers trance
A touch of gypsy soul and grace of goddess she reveals her vivacious beauty to my senses
Her fragrant passion invites my riotous manhood
Red fullness of her lips
Moist glistening dew shower me in wet hungry kisses
Her raven hair of curls drapes across tan shoulders and breasts
How envious I am of their touch to her silken flesh...
My Enchantress
Flames of the sun burn bright on the moon tonight
Warm the dark moonscape of treasures we seek
Across lunar islands of space
We have traveled from distant stars collide
Dark sides of her moonlit shadows emerge
Cast into light they bring new life
The passion of her senses triggers pulse and heartbeat
Swollen my masculine attraction and rigid body against her lunar island
Misty waterfalls fill her valleys
She irrigates my soul in tantric waves
Spawning the passion of our seeds within
To blossom with new life and eternal aloha
In ethereal dreams we procreate with divine wisdom and serenity
A rarity of goldilocks
In reverberating after shocks
My body transcends into hers... intoxicating
Energy and velocity converge
A galaxy of Milky Way fill the night parade of stars and moons
Sparkle her afterglow with shimmering stardust
A bond of lovers
Our hearts lust
In oceans and seas of tidal euphoria
Tightly wrapped her shapely legs around
Vibrant in thermal colors and sound
Gyrations of Latin beat upon my flesh
Moist her pleasures caress
Will you make love to me tonight my faery moon goddess
Ripe our energies blend and delight
Will you be my valentine tonight
Sing you my melody of morning moonlight
As you slumber with the stars my poet, my lover, my muse of celestial light
🎸 Stephen Carbon 7/29/18

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