
1/14/19 The Basics With Pastor Beth

Category: /General/
Your name is greater than my name.
You want to reinvent and transform me.
I need to make a change.
Luke 13
Boredom and change are triggers for reinvention.
You are the Greatest Change Agent.
I need to be honest.
I need to dig around the roots and fertilize.
I need to intentionally make a change.
I have a real self and an ideal self.
I need to close the gap between my real self and ideal self.
I need to dig into Your Word.
2 Kings 4
I want to serve You through helping others.
In Your grace, You are helping me so that I can help others.
In Your mercy, You are covering me as well as the people in our paths.
You will never ask for something that I don't have.
You can take something that I do have.
Everything I have, You have already given me anyway.
Your hand is so on the families.
I have the cellular phone.
I have passions, possessions, peculiarities and people.
I have the gift of helps.
I have the gift of writing.
People are one of our most important assets.
At the end, people care the most about people.
Many people struggle.
We all struggle.
I can write articles with Your gifts of creativity and technology.
I need to be real and authentic.
Friends don't let friends do ministry alone.
I need friends.
I need to be a friend.
I need to cultivate relationships.
I can make a list.
Amen, thank You.

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