
Category: /General/


What to question? Walls to be lifted? People starving? Indians being murdered because of greed and misuse of land, which we steal and want more? Schools with semi-literate, drugged students, and poorly valued professionals?
To quarrel intrigues lives, that due to the mimimis and copinchas, friends pulls - bags, who flatter to have support each other?

I question the man here in Brazil, who is experiencing a summer with 3.1 degrees more of the temperatures, many are having besides crazy, burns and boundless stresses, and blame everyone except himself, throwing trash anywhere, knocking over trees, or dwelling in the riverbeds, ending with springs like they did in the Buffalo Park, things I do not understand, raising everything, or simply putting oil and paving the streets, without letting the earth absorb the rain the water tables.
I question how man can say to love God, and devastate the Nature that He created. How can that be, please explain? !!!
I question the fight against narcotics, how to end the drug trade, arms, humans, if we consume ourselves daily and we are intelligent to discern the wheat tares? As more and more young people with so much information, so many social networks, so much media, being so stupid to use drugs, and the government, they want more than that.
How to understand men who say they love their women, beat, rape, kill for love? I do not understand this situation, my dear Lord.
Do I also not understand children who murder their parents, or parents who murder their children, or young people who take the power to come and go from people, when performing such battles?
You have hours, Lord, that my questions escape my own control, and I would like to live only in a technological world, yes, but of knowledge and much more peaceful and less greedy, less envious, and people with the same profession if they respected themselves .
Well, today I report my questions, points and more points of question, and it will be up to the reader to find out what is worth.
Dreaming still does not pay tax.
"To dream, it is worth, when the soul is not small." (Fernando Pessoa).
Teka Castro, writer and professor of Chemistry, daughter, wife, mother, citizen, environmentalist and spiritualist.
São Paulo, January 12, 2019.
Posted on belasartesbela.ning.com and on etastic.com

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