

Category: /Assembly/

Words with an "A" in them all have reference to a high meeting in old and solemn agreement in part formed from an "H" the points of the top pulled and set. All of it rather formed during meeting of the Opus tribe to the Lemech tribe, they going for a time till all bound and became solid in understanding of elder teachings from they of the Opus tribe. They then considered at a camp fire with an assembly or gather of chief and priest, this way it match up to a similar sight to star systems above that seem to have two lines and a center star. When the meeting was over in part for mountain thinking from the Hydra and spiritual thinking light shows on both sides of the mountain the same. For common sake they use it to signify a law or constant and to be of social and civic beings mortals and Angel ( mature knowledgeable beings that have parts that honor prayer and keep to heavens and posts at mars proper) so the letter important is preserved in the name Noah.

So words that start with the letter "A" usually all have meanings that relate to forming lawful agreements, founding lawful points in physic with science or stating that a lawful point or constant exists. From a glance at the whole word with what we already know it looks like Assembly, fits description of parts that make up a skilled party that founds or judges an act of the "A" be it a social matter or matter of science. Knowing the word insist of others and Mars the basic heavenly post, the next letter which has double set insist respects should consider if outer parts are affected and how.

If one look at the heart letter "S" which commonly stands for the Sun, Day and light, and thinking of the first letter. The word allow a bit of skill level by glance of realm in dealing with matters of the word so it is for Adult and mature beings. Ones that have full knowledge of basic being with a whole environment space and heaven.

If one go back and look at the second letter it too is a "S" so the word makes a statement as "Ass" that it is an act taking place which is meant to go a bit of time. This means as such or implies that the word deals with rather serious matters at times. It also insist that even though a moment be such dealings have past reference to work with even if it only scientific methods of skill by the actors or font of wisdom to draw from and implies that records and results must be achievable beyond by others…so the word allows for movement. At least movement for the subject forward in time.

If fact any word starting with "Ass" as a letter set will and would need the definitions so mentioned above. The word has aspects as a whole of wanting something lawful and it to remain so even if it has to be left alone…which allows much for words and title of mechanical contrivance with mechanical features friction gain lose and maintenance. Which by some odd fashion make reason for all the Ass and cart stories by laymen.

The "E" now allow the room for work and three "L" formed to be an "E" for a result to be seen observed for notice sake. It also insist now that with look and sight one must notice skill levels are needed to be apart of what the rest of the word holds. It also sets room for difference as the basic camp fire object with observers three at least with "E" implying always more than one maybe two but concerned about others beyond or about. It also implies a forming has or will take place, which allows room for think and judgement at this point. This helps when describing the double "S" in the word.

Now for the next letter we have an "M" which symbolizes the Hydra data gather and basic sum and total find average or standard deviation. The word now has tolerance as well being four letters and the "R" there for substance post and point for other words helps insist that beings are upon something at least the planet. It has at least or the process while preserving the beginning letter "A" and basic definitions with and tending to the Winter equinox of which certain tribal matters where finalized as a camp. It allow that a community exists upon or about that can deal with many or almost all matters that be by using this word responsibly. So for Mortal mans sake or any other part of intelligent being and insistence upon it with the word, Think the "M" also known for limit and bound work dimension now becomes apparent of the word insisting purpose. The word has a controller or needs one to manage the process. So to be an "Ass" is a process or works with such a word, so the whole word from this point on can be considered a process on apparently mortals are involved with which considers a grouping of beings with a sincere purpose. This all gives the word Cause another word that helps define the double "S" for reason this holds a friction on it's own as well mechanical aspects.

The next letter the fifth letter which matches for hand interaction of mortal "Assem" and this letter prove bundled the rest of the word may be about an aspect of the rest of the word that acts about the first of the word. The letter "B" formed from two letter "P" and being number two of it's own placement as well express difference and seems to imply this is part of the job or work done at or with the word assembly. So it insist of the actors during the process which helps even if a product or manufacture protect the integrity of they doing such work with the word assembly through the basic lawful stand of the "A". It also starts to say for method sake with the "B" and "W" in, Two that math and resolve proper for the most high practice of the word has a ritual ending time. This helps the Clean and Clear with "R" over "M" of assembly of Think.

The "L" which has a feature of by gaze being seen mainly three times one at September and at Winter equinox for Autumn length and ritual ways mankind of elder being chose to worship in communal ways. So the word start to express that best use of this word takes sincerity as well with degree and aspects of the act of the word assembly reason and purpose allow a basic minimum of length of time for value sake, in that if the act or work does not deal with matters that need to last at least a year to a hundred. This alone allows the word value in entropy for start and end process for living matters. As well class the word making it more proper to be used with ritualistic matters or sophisticated ones.

The last letter a "Y" helps describe at times higher months from July to September expresses a unified length with a median and sum with total and room for variance. This soften the word and give final instructions about activity to process a result with as mentioned by letter and implying even insisting on cleaning up and closing proper so acts involving waste with the "E" and nature the whole work and act of dealing with Assembly protects Nature to be justly considered as a product of a real assembly.

The whole word then pulls together as…A group of beings gathered together to deal with a responsible matter for the sake of supporting a greater cause, preferably for the good of all, of the acting adult characters of the assembly or in fellowship with the greater cause of all or part of mankind and being.

By Michael Pinger "Yaw!" 4/24/18

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