
My father

Category: /General/
My father
You will be right here
Every single day
Delivering me
Peace of mind
Because I live
A very stresful
Live every single day
I don’t have time
To spend my life
Praying for you
Also I live a very busy life
I should try rearenge
My schedule
So that I would have
Some time to pray
For you
Father i feel so
Ashamed that
You always have time for me
And you keep me alive
Here on earth every single day
And for that I am grateful father
Also I know that you own my life
And my life is in you hands
I can plan my life every single day
And live my life the way I had planned it
Also father I am not a spring chicken anymore
I am now an old men
My younger days are over now
Father i think I get obsesed
With my prayers every single day
Also father I am very religious
When it comes to religion
Some people say that I am a religious fanatic
I don’t feel that way
I feel that my father was the men
Who gave me my life
I didn’t ask for my father to make me
He made me with his holy hands
Many years ago
And placed me here on earth to live
Father I must tell you that I just don’t like
The earth at all
Because there are no peace
On earth

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