
A Call for Deliverance

Category: /General/

Make haste to deliver me, God,
Make haste needing You to assist;
An enticement has made me flawed,
From temptation that did persist.

Let whoever be put to shame,
Who seeks my life in confusion;
Let them be turned back from their claim,
Where they will find some seclusion.

Bring dishonor to their delight,
Such desire caused me to hurt;
Let them feel the shame in your sight,
Because of their evil effort.

May whoever seeks You rejoice,
Be glad to have Your salvation;
Sing for joy as you lift up your voice,
A joy as a new creation.

I may be poor also needy,
You’re my help and deliverer;
I do need Your help speedily,
For they have been my capturer.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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