Antichrist prescribe antidepressants
Category: /General/
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That single cell organism has some explaining to do
Kill the messenger if the punch line is weak
Savor the texture since holy water isn't free
In the middle of the con I realize
Being alone is what we have in common
Cocktail Parties and the whose who guest list
I carved my attributes in sand when it was about to rain
Regrets are just reminders to learn from the mistakes
It's the short term memory loss that bares the escape
Still I can't forget my own and will replay them daily.
Just to keep up with the reasons for my sins
Talking in rhymes to waste time
and grieving for the loss of solitude
Take my word for its subtle enough to be true
Take my liver for it's soaked enough in clear liquid to be used
Love is only as good as we let it be
Like talk shows and social news feeds
Like the girls who want nothing until they find something
Like the tone of a song that makes it all go away
and lets that single cell organism have some beauty rest for a change
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