
To what length will the Lord run from the ones who gave Noah as well the Lore Life, even property!

Category: /Quiz/Test/
From an incarnate Chief of Opus!

How many know that a Bear would leave a salmon eye ball, while a dog would go through hell to eat it.
How many know why one should cherish the words of Kerchiefs ( Sp.) to Nixion...the ones that relate to "At times you have to know how to do for yourself."
How many can put God against the belly of the interest formula...to find future value and call it Genghis Khan!
How can one claim an Emperor not accepting a bet of an evil intruder who has revealed his secret desires, " then tempts the Emperor; who knows the tempter knows not where even the Lore got his name and is given a chance to hold that area as sacred and his home to keep". How can one say...when the Emperor refuses such a lout, who then kills the Emperor anyway and runs off with his wealth as Genghis Khan a fool! How can anyone call Genghis Khan with or without his real name Temujin the Lord's buddy! Why does the Lord?

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