
Enough Being Me

Category: /General/

It always starts with me feeling special,
They put me on a pedestal, making me feel essential.
I’m the one they turn to, the one they adore,
But it never lasts long, they always want more.
I’m treated like gold for a little while,
But soon enough, I’m not worth a smile.

Like an old toy they used to play with every day,
I’m left in the corner, forgotten, pushed away.
Once I was everything they wanted, all they could see,
But now I’m nothing—just a memory.
It’s a pattern that repeats, over and over again,
I’m always left wondering, when will it end?

They come with promises, they tell me they’ll stay,
But when something shiny comes, they’re on their way.
I’m left standing there, wondering why,
Was it me? Was it all a lie?
Maybe I was never enough,
Just a temporary fix until things got tough.

They drain me dry, take all I can give,
Then they walk away, leaving me alone to live.
I’m not a fool, but it always feels the same,
Like I’m begging for love in some endless game.
And no matter how much I try to pretend,
I know how this will always end.

I sit in rooms full of people, but I’m unseen,
Invisible, like I was never part of the scene.
They laugh, they talk, they move on without care,
While I’m left wondering if I was ever really there.
It’s like I’m just a ghost, fading into the past,
No one bothers to ask, no one thinks to make it last.

I used to think there was something wrong with me,
That I wasn’t enough, that I didn’t see
What others had that made them stay,
But now I know it’s just the way
Some people are—they take, then they go,
Leaving behind nothing but sorrow.

I’ve grown tired of the empty promises,
Of being the one they easily dismiss.
I’m done with trying to be their first,
Only to end up feeling the worst.
I’ve learned that love doesn’t always stay,
And sometimes, it’s better to walk away.

So now, I’ll leave before they can,
I won’t wait around for their next plan.
I’ll take my heart and guard it tight,
No more losing sleep at night.
I’ll walk away, head held high,
And for once, I won’t even say goodbye.

I won’t be their forgotten thing,
I’ll be more than just a fleeting fling.
This time, I’ll choose myself instead,
Leave all the pain and doubt for dead.
I’m done being the second choice, second best,
I’ll find my own way, and let the rest
Fall behind me, where it belongs—
No more living in someone else’s wrongs.

I’ll be the one who walks away,
I won’t care what they have to say.
No more waiting to be seen,
I’ll leave this cycle, clean and serene.
And maybe then, I’ll finally see,
I’m enough—just being me.


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