Category: /General/
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The sea of destiny holds its secrets of divine mystery.
Treasures to discover in the paths we journey.
To entice the spirit in arousing curiosity.
Beyond eternity, freedom of the heart beckons in realms of intimacy.
To unveil our passions, blossoming in undersea gardens of revelry.
Impressions of sandy footsteps beneath the wisdom of Polynesian sky.
Seasons wash away in relentless tides as red cardinals sigh.
Lost in trades flowing through royal palms frozen in time.
Eyes locked in reflection in rhythm and rhyme.
We swim in timeless interludes of melody.
Celebrating the intuitive emotion of love adrift in memory.
Guiding us in rising sun upon sacred lands of spirituality.
We create the progeny in poetic verse and prophecy.
Painted in soft pastel of natural artistry.
To embrace our invisible bonds of carbon and newborn identity.
Together we write the intrinsic story of destined souls beyond oceans of serenity.
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