
An Explication of A Short Poem 1

Category: /General/
In 1923, the late Mr. Frost wrote "Nothing Gold Can Stay" and this is an example of 20th Century American Literature. In these eight lines, he used a variety of rhetorical devices and one exemplification includes repetition of the title in the final verse. In particular, he worked with alliteration and perfect rhyme. In addition, he utilized various forms of imagery. The following explication will further identify the different stylistic techniques and how they contribute to the overall effect of the poem.
First of all, there are four embodiments of perfect rhyme in this masterpiece. To start, there are the rhyming word pair "gold" and "hold" (1-2). Secondly, there are "flower" and "hour" in verse lines 3-4. In the next couplet, there are "leaf" and " grief" (5-6). Lastly, there are "day" and "stay" (7-8).
Besides full rhyme, there is alliteration and this especially involves consonance since the letters begin with the same consonant. For starters, there are "green" and "gold" (1). There are also "her", "hardest", "hue" and "hold" in verse line two. Similarly, there are "so" and "sank" in the fifth row. There are finally "dawn", "down", and "day."
Furthermore, there are illustrations of imagery in the metrical composition. Specific cases in point involve the metaphors, such as "Nature's first green is gold" and "Her early leaf's a flower" (1-3). On a similar note, there is personification and the metaphorical sentence "Her early leaf's a flower" is an instance of this attribution of human qualities to nonhuman objects (3). An additional representation is the alliterative and dependent clause "Her hardest hue to hold (2)." Nonetheless, the "gold" symbolizes goodness and the gist of the verselet is that some good things come to an end.
In summary, the figures of speech and the sonic language are a contribution to the thematic meaning of this short poem. Just like You have said via Your singer Mr. Jermaine Jackson, some good things come to an end and one proof of this is when You take our loved ones home to be with You. It's just a matter of time and it's not a matter of if but when, God Almighty. Of course, the timing is none of our business and time is another good thing that doesn't last forever. This is because the minutes go by fast and every moment is a precious gift from You alone.

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