
Coming retirement

Category: /Poetic Prose/

Coming retirement

I do not know why the Fazenda (https://portal.fazenda.sp.gov.br/) has not computed since the day we started working in the State, I do not know why the Fazenda e Educação (https: // www .educacao.sp.gov.br /) do not compute the postgraduate activities of older years beforehand, all this to leave us with the miserable retirement that prevents us from dreaming ?!
I don't know why, some civil servants have 3 or more pensions, and they call us vagrants. Are we the only ones, within the criteria to work with people who pretend to study, but often go to schools to degrade the teacher.
Not to mention, that now the manager, who enters (director, vice, coordinator) forgot somewhere lost that he was suffering to work as a teacher, today they want everything for yesterday, and the victims are us who are out there to retire, and they forget how much we have done for Education.
The dreams that are fading, because it is hard to see so much cheating, politicking, and as Professor Raimundo (Character of Chico Anysio) says is ÒOOOOOH ....
When my retirement arrived, and I still have to go back to teaching some classes, to be able to contribute with the salary, to buy food and medicine and still smile, like the clown, to make fun of others, even having N sufferings.
And, I regret, those who say they fight for Education, because it has been in devastation for years, and more and more colleagues entering with readaptation, and I who have been readapted for 6 years now, I only have to retire, but I would like to know Mr. Dória, Mr. Rossieli, to earn much more, 32 years in the same, with Sun, Rain, Cold, wear and others, I went to teach, and now I lost my value?
Anyway, gentlemen, think about it, as well as giving yourself a raise, remember to give a decent raise to those who minister all kinds of content (Knowledge) and train everyone in this world.
I, thank you, your appreciation.

Poetic prose, handwritten on 11/3/2020.
Author: Professor of the Chemistry Discipline - effective - 32 years of profession. EE Prof. Dr. Lauro Pareira Travassos - Missionary Village - South Directorate 1: Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro

To the Governor and Secretary of Education of São Paulo, we deserve more decent salaries, not only us teachers, but all professionals in Education.
If you believe it is easy to transmit Knowledge, then why don't you get paid equal to our salary?
Gratitude, for reading, leave your comments below, and let us fight so that in Functional Evolution, there are no dates, and only courses, even for us who are retiring.
# SecretariadaEducaçãoSP # EvoluçãoFuncional # Saláriosdecentes - to professionals in Education.

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