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A Cryptoboganis in purplish electus.

In Enegestos in Formino, where all liars live, there was a leverage in Suneto in hatis abaginus in eventie - magmajic. The machanis lived in tripartite and had nine fingers. Touching forbidden fruits caused it. Dramatically, if you caught a monkey in harvest, you let it go, but not when it slapped you - Maiti Ajustis.

Evening by evening, the elapes sat to discuss on how to conquer the meh - the closest to the King, Bren. It was a common talk in Ugestus where dramas where held without, because here, intentions are read like on a board. Smoking is bad if you know how to do it well, is worst if you've done it before, but becomes altogether detestable if you are doing it for the last time.

Few of the good people knew why, not when. We don't sell monkeys because we hate them but because they are hate. Ingramaris apolojustus.

Today, there is a rent on how many monkeys you can by restriction handle, because the farm of the monkey clique has been so enlarged. Tupeta, their king first loved sitting on a knol and thinking, not because he had not, but because he loved to grudge. Making a monkey needs soduim, but you will not find sodium in monkeys blood. Monkeys love heights but are not kings, therefore they end roaming.


Hit tea - that is the name. Hit tea of the monkey tribe (never a man) beat his wife one day. We can be plain in saying monkeys were lofty, had ideas and could do magnificent things. His two children spoilt the case when they, instead of settling respectfully, their parents malady, teamed to beat him. At this, he swore by gavis, the Bren son of meneyas that they were just as his. Beneya is not a name. It is not known in all the foreign realms of monkeys - it is formed, perhaps by a monkey. I.e. a monkey decides to dance in froth to form a Beneya. Okay? The froth is first produced by the monkey thinking so, which started in monkey strike, when the Lord of the Savendos made a party for all monkeys and ilidilis refused to come. It is this ilidilis that is called the consciousness of Beneya - i.e., there was no Beneya till in a real school, someone invented it; simple to understand, except you are in monkey realms.

Loper lips first formed a Beneya in the froth. I.e., his deliberate deal and decision to sit a judge in his own case of jealousy without bargain or negotiation created a substance froth from his lips - the lips bulged, but he had touched fire, because in all the realms of demefo, there was no negetio that never reported himself to a lovely king in teliwa. It was goodness turned sour. Could a monkey be tamed? Froth means destruction, but lying is sinful. Management is accidental but Justice is final. Cursing Amagia his Lord, put him on a far end because he is Amaga's thread. Oh, senior monkeys! Amaga decided to tear His cloth from which Bememetos was now claiming to have come from in perfect isolation. Juyas giva bred. Ilit tifini.

Most of us are not monkeys to understand this, because a toddler once asked a judge in court why he " con- themed" a criminal. The answer was "criminality". He asked further "is criminality bad?" He was told "yes". He said he did not know what it looked like to be sure, and all the court bursted into laughter of matured peoples. Seventeen years ago in toesinatis it really happened, when pumpkimush tried it aloft a fly dancing round a fan. When the snorgos came, he simply went to buckle up and stage a fight with us. We did not know how begonis started. You will only know because in your compound, you can stand to see the exterior of another man's compound, but most other things happen in the void of your own understanding - it is begotis - it can happen as the holy fendels say "in a realm". Ritorture soon delivered his case to the Almighty, and there was a call of questions, which he refused to turn up for, sueing even inangis, the informant. He blew inangis' foot and he leaped home. When the love of the flowers saw this, His intelligence sought to scare away nuisance or rid ideosyncracizm.

Outside the tally Hall, he went to plant a farm leaving without judgment, which is why his judgment is postponed and will be definite. On his farm, he met ameyatis, a farmer without Armamis - i.e., teeth. Egangis had multiplied - he killed him and took his wife. Savrend Reverend Camot used to write it with the opposite end of his pen while it bled, as a witness man knew meant: i.e. if you live with monkeys, you should be sure your venom is of a serpent if you had a strike: how? He had turned to a serpent in formenitis - that is, "gathering many".

There are no missing angels, except in Los Angeles, i.e Lord's Angelisms, never a multiple problem. Koboros went to sell but never came back. Ants and he, ate the farmer.

In Nimashu, as he expanded his territory, one day, an ant challenged him for territory " wiswisement". He said it was dangellion. Dangellion protested, but it had joined in reading books cover to cover. The ants loved Dangellion for his beauty and visited often, but Dangellion had assumed the stage of miti and was cooperating now with hiedang due to erot, similar to the saying that the lizard was once the friend of the serpent in a farm. They walked together and ate physical yams, that is, yams that grew by hanging. So, Odos August decided, for this stupidity, yams should be hidden in the sand.

In rasperas, he looked at the ant and swelled in several sizes irregularly, which is Angiemus, his tail friend - then cursed the ant by militipi, his name, that it was a monkey. The ant then got taminus and felt felezia and decided with that feeling to go find out what its deposited self was. It happened in Amengos. When he stepped at Arenge, the tally Hall exterior, he saw Ufelentus, his senior cousin and said he was a monkey.

It was store it up in Nefagutiveti, the rentan adulafus. And the monkey theorem was bought. If you feel you are sacred, look behind you. If you feel you're Noble, look above you. If you feel you're responsible, look leftwards. If you feel you're important, look rightwards, but if you feel you're perfect, look forwards.

Today, if you need a giant size monkey, it's not in a zoo or forest; it's an idea called Covolosus, which is simply a term for a change of stage, not state, because if you create a man by a machine, you will have to control him by machines. So be the god say grace.

Upheld judges live in Sunagum. They were the first to expound the theory to Lawlawyers down their sleeves to the folders. They believed after first mocking, which was the intent of the tool, which would cause a spark of Atariata in another. Ants? Could ants do this in jollimorns? - Never in agetis. Yores have been and gone, there will be more, but hate loves only its brothers and hates itself. I have said a huge "thank-you" to monkeys - it was a perfect imagery.

Information was getting to all the realms of Unegenia, that as "disdainful" as monkeys were in mortal shape, certain ants were monkeys. It was read in the Bugas newspaper and studied in Socience schools. Most piplant wanted to know. Most others laughed about it. In one case, a physical ant, among ants, was kept on a slate before the rest, and analyzed if it had pendants - long elegated pendamium. Researches called Reseeits were going on. Most other ants, especially of the tribe of the senior cousin have been victim. Others look up and work less but they think "monkey". Some even believed it in Lengetis Socialism that it was true; their father ant once had an affair with a monkey and birthed a potience without conscience. Several tankerwise will have to answer this, be the very monkey free in detanus till the dateless date that catches with the melting Palm all the Holocausts of August - ho locust! How fly you so high? Are you a monkey? Hitlasy, I sigh. Priminus Isaiah. The Monkey-monkey theorem has spread so much and forgotten monkeys in the hands of ants. If you have decided a warfare, you have decided it against fate, whether fate is fair or white.

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