

Category: /General/


The pathways of the soul weave through dense Naupaka vines of shore lined cliffs
Securely clenched to her sacred land blessed
Bracing against the relentless tides of emerald sea
Firm roots intertwined in a grasp of solidarity
Beneath a Maui sky of blue artistry
Separating earthen elements of solid and liquid density
Each exist in tangent realms of natural simplicity
Poetic verse in harmony of ancient history
Rising from the dark depths of her eyes of coral beauty

I walk the planet of human discovery
Searching for her lyrical breath of angelic perpetuity
Nurturing her seeds and wild flowers of fertility
Embracing the charm of her sojourn mystery
A parallel existence of souls dancing upon distant waves of lunar gravity
Where hearts float like fireflies of bio luminosity
Alluring seas radiate with blue and glistening green
Shining radiantly upon the palms of our lost destiny
Her touch unites... once again to ignite our embers of serendipity

Restless suns gravitate and collide in fires and phosphorus
Heat of impact evaporates the ocean into salty mist upon her supple lips
A collective disarray of iron core meteor
In a fusion of stars of our parallel universe
Lyrical nectar teases the tongue as we converse
Chapters written in a book of love in poetry of verse
Bridging our worlds together in symbiotic unison
We embrace upon the moons of Jupiter and seas of Poseidon
Inebriant fragrance of Plumeria in her hair
Permeates with a aromatic perfume of Aloha in the night air
Spirit of life in the breath of stars beyond compare

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