

Category: /General/


Blue skies of luminance in heavenly dance
Lift the passion of human spirit and romance
Shades of native turquoise rivers appear and disappear
Clouds of cirrus drift across in wispy white strands of stratosphere
A transcending peace between man and immortal ascension
Earthly mountain breathes with lapping dark depth of ocean

High above in ethereal glow
Flowers beckon the sun to walk her worldly garden sewn
Where butterfly wings float on updrafts of the Tahiti songbirds
Pastel melody of nature interwoven with the fabric of time
Finite elements of hydrogen and oxygen rhyme
Miracle of magic and life design

Lazy streams of music and sensuous sunbeams
Lay upon my heart of peace pulsing in rhythmic scenes
Absorbing her precious energy
Bombarding photons of mysterious mastery
Infinite in cosmic ray my hemisphere of blue dissolves into eyes of ardent green
Unending scriptures of the universe
Lie deep within sand script of ancient poetic verse

Hearts of humanity bend under pressure of viral strain
In a cold darkness of early Spring rain
Wander the skies of turquoise river
Shake the icy tentacles of jagged slivers
Immerse the soul in translucent blue waters
Revelations of spirit rise on the wings of Albatross
Upon the zephyrs of the Easter tide
Gracious her immaculate touch
Where heaven and earth collide
In faith, heart, and breath of sea subside

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