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For Caitlin.

Scythian! Lizard! What is he even putting? We call it a "Come-put-her"; a swear word; one of the dirtiest words ever, created out of anger. So, we made a desk for it. It even had a mouse, to complete the circuits and exposition of witchcraft. Someone said "it's a window", but that's cheap because Tivi's (thieves), a tribe in Nigeria could disappear into a television box especially when police officers came to arrest them, and usually baptized their children (babies) into witchcraft kleptomania by transferring them through a window when born. One could zoom from one point on an interface or window, like they do on satellite TV to a different country, but someone said: "you missed it; I shut my window. You crash landed." But the convenience of having it sit on a lap was visible, so the Holy Ghost Power (Hewlett Packard) could still help us have children in a world where the devil vows we will not. We practiced the art as we printed; it was so air tight, yet, they still stole into it to cause miscarriages, no matter the models we made. But our women still had children; good and profitable blonds, as our souls desired; at times, tricky, confusing, mischievous identical twins! So, it had to be a woman. So, I told the guy, "it's not all about the conventional. In this world where seven (7) women are about to bear a man's name whether he feeds or houses them or not, in order to get a job, buy a laptop so you can marry." The guy spurned because he was a wizard; a religious wizard - 'who ever needed a wife, raping tens of thousands of women in abstract, real pleasure every night?' But I had laughed at him too; he would die shortly and go to hell, neither marrying, because he never cared for it nor allowed or wanted those other women (unmarried) and married (where their homes would be destroyed) to ever enjoy sex or marriage? But now (like in all generations due to lack of check), the witches now had the laptops, so married with a covenant of heaven, while the saints had not. Caitlin's own even read "I will die tomorrow", and she truly died because of the festival of Coi, which usually involves a semi-mad man shooting to death at least seventeen (17) to twenty-two (22) school children in an American school, deliberately ("after all, there's no death penalty for a murderer") or undelibrately, causing heartache to her elderly parents who had her as their only child: oh, for prophecy; evil, at times, ignorant prophecies, made by weary souls as simple negative confessions to pack off from the earth as weary soldiers. So, an Arabian had a spiritual wife; a white lady; a witch in America, that made him fly down at night to defile women in the spirit with his parachute, because "one sinner spoileth much good." Africans actually fly to America in the spirit, tear off white women's breast and bring them back to make moi-moi in the physical (sweet moi-moi, a demonized food like Akara: note: Akara and moi-moi making spots are usually witchcraft covens), causing breast cancer. The moi-moi will be ready by 6am. "Buy moi-moi!" I even made "blue Akara" and "blue moi-moi" with a NAFDAC number.

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