

Category: /General/


Sometime ago, there lived a stubborn king in the midst of Bragman.
Except that he was a senior mouse, he was really great. His name was Orilasavor. Orilasavor loved to eat mice though a mouse himself. he forsook the green trees of Holcilasis that furnished the greatest produce of vegetables and pumpkins, and sort for mice.


Orilasavor as a king had some servants called Crimapritopride. Crimapritopride or ‘the crims’ were strong servants or loyalists who served him, and threatened all the mice. It was painful to say; they arrested and brought to this Mouse king pure, fresh mice – and he loved the pure blood of mice. The crims went around, house to house, city to city, arresting simple, innocent mice for their pure blood, to Orila. Atimes, sad to say, Orila requested for the mice put to birth such that, as was fond of him, he got the mice as soon as they were delivered – the Crims waiting for the mother mouse to deliver.

Orila who was swallowing so much, was having a nice time. Although it was common for him to feed soley on the pure blood of mice, and to lavish their flesh upon the top of Havirag hill in the midst of his palace for the worst scorpions, he also gave a cup of pure mice blood to the Crims every day.
The mice were in an enclave which he had made round about the city of Hip tipe called ‘No price’. From ‘No price’, he could get as much mice as he wanted. HE WAS A CONFUSED FOOL OF EVERLASTING QUANTITY AND QUALITY. Any mice in ‘No price’ were doomed for their pure blood! But certain mice discovered that by walking an intersected path through the hole of Turn around, they could get to a forest known as The Sooth Forest.
Only a quarter of an unknown quantity of Mice made it to the Sooth Forest, based on one condition – ‘that they would not fall from the high hung intersected path’. The CRIMS did not bother stopping them going on the intersected path. All they knew (as they always thought), was that they would for the FEAR of Height fall away. So, this was not an issue to haggle on, although the Crim army made it a real stern duty to stop all escaping to the intersected path. The intersected path was also far above the Crims. The mice who went out, went through the tree of Corn victuals.

The tree of Corn Victuals was the tallest tree in the land, and it was the oldest tree. This tree stood towering a full seventy seven metres high, so that never a mice born immediately could see this tree – BUT IT WAS THE SUREST AND THE SURE TEST. The tree of Corn Victuals was tall and yellowish-red, spreading into the distant sky and sparing all its fruits and leaves every day, only reminding the mice of their choice of life. But rather surprising, it bore a fruit called Free nuts which no mice wanted to eat. Free Nuts were known to heal the heart and give good sight. But the mice of Hipalahunga were falsey taught by the Crims, that it caused holes in the hearts and gave an undesired feeling, which was a lie. ‘Afterall, who ate mud, ate mud and saw mud in the path of life’ they used to say. How could it be! It was the teaching of the Crims and was never true! For they knew, ‘afterall, life came into mud and it became life’ was well known even in Emery Disorder Town before the muse, so they chose to confuse the unschooled mice.
And when all the mice saw the tree which stood glittering with Life in the midst of the city, they were confused, and thought it was the Tree of the garden of Half-a-Chance! While it glistened with Life! So, they forsook the tree that would have made them free – freer than a refree! Oh me!

The Company of WORTH HORSES also visited from the Farmarray Land, pleading and seeing if they could help anyone of the mice that wished and longed for help, offering often their Grain line, a white line that helped a mouse get to the tree as quickly as it could, so as to reach the intersected path, and that was all they could do. Left alone for the mouse was what to decide on.
They flew in with tall, strong, white horses whose riders had fiery, unflinching eyes. They usually terrified Orila and the Crims; wading through his kingdom and winning every pinch and inch. It was surprising.

Orila had tried to solve this ‘problem’. he observed it was a real ‘problem.’ What would his dissolving empire do?
So, he sought advice from among his counselors, and the son of Phillipim, the branded mega liar which blasphemes by a fire, who fell upon the rush floor, for his horse killed him – a nick man’s wired madness in a season of memory fore laws – sick. But this was his appeal: to send out the Crims to get the mice into tiny groups called DISCONTEXIA, where they gave them fried beans and plantain for their pure blood by the radius law of Owners. But no more than to disract them off getting the Grains line, which are more suitable for mice in getting to the intersected path, above the ordinary level. If you hate your Angel, how would you be helped else?

There were seven discontexia groups which operated temporarily and formally, only when the Company of Worth Horses were around, but after which they came with the company of hot whips and the troop of Insult angels, never thought of by the mice, to finish them at once for their pure blood ere another rain of Redemption descended. At this time, hotter scorpions did the work: They were:


The Old eyes seemed to have been mice which descended from the type of the mice through which the intersected path was created; they were holy mice! The hot Crillers, as these mice were called, were the first to get out of the enclave of Orila and the Crims, through the intersected path. Orila always got the Crims around to tell them at this time that they didn’t need to do anything since their fathers formed the intersected path. ‘Afterall, what’s an alter for when you have the alter of the grand Samis?’ Sorry indeed and soberingly sad. They ‘would get to the Sooth Forest some day by ‘no effort’ and never knew the amount that died each day on Orila’s tanal pan. Usually, only about 0.016 % or so of a lot of reasonable mice of this entire population always got to the Soothe Forest because of this lie. What a lie!

Orila would get the Crims also to handle a second section, whom they told they needed to work with all the efforts they would, so as to get to the Sooth forests. THERE IS NO WAY IN NOWAY, HELPS ESCORAT PROVANTIS EMPERIS. That by their working hard, ‘the holy heart of Merling knew’, not of proof, ‘they would get to the Sooth Forest bye and bye’, EROS QUARNANTIS TANALITIS EMPERI.
None of them always knew what happened in the Sooth Forest till Orila got their pure blood as was always the case. The lie to the Grand Workers who worked till some broke their backs and nerves but never went to the Sooth Forest but ended in Orila’s hands where he drank their pure blood, was to take a Crim well guided tour to the Tree of Corn victiuals, by some means, in the hope that the journey down there would soothe them of all their worries and pains about Orila bye and bye having their pure blood. So sad for such a recreational walk. But they never came back anymore, but were handed directly into the pans of Orila for their pure blood.

The Tone hymners knew quite well that the OLD EYES were wrong. Their problem rather lay in their inability to receive the Grain Line and get to the intersected path, often trusting in and falling back on such things as Singing, the baptist’s psalm, giving, and the rest that bring no redemption, instead of
receiving the Grain Line, and their old lie kept them for Orila!


The Fish fruit Club knew not so much about the first mice who left for the Soothe Forest although they heard about them. They only chose to use this period as a time to receive fishes and fruits from the crims, seeing themselves as better than all the other mice in Orila’s ‘NO PRICE.’

The other eyes’ section were funny but wicked. They worked for the creams by going around to report the mice leaving and intending to leave ‘NO Price’ to the Soothe Forest. They were informants.


This class was the most pitable! Orila Space efficiency club adopted this method of deceit. The Crims were asked to give them some ‘hot glasses’ which they used to study the blues for when the company of Worth Horses came. But these glasses made one not to see the company of worth Horses, but fantasy. Then they would state a theory of what they saw but after which they were taken to Orila for their pure blood.


The holotide or dead lovers were given a free promotion called ‘see and feel and leave’. They were made see to the Tree of Corn victuals, feel it and leave. But this did nothing for them as Orila still had them after then.

The boundary of Bragman and the Sooth Forest had twenty four wild ants that kept the entry point to the Sooth forest from the Crims but allowed in only the mice. Orila and the Crims feared them.It was an advantage for the escaping mice.

The instruction always to all incoming mice to the Sooth Forest was ‘Keep moving’.
Faster mice walked straight forward and until they got to the end of the Sooth Forest, a stream called DISRIVA. When once they got here, they got the best welcome ever from THE KING OF LAIV AND HERVA and would no more have the possibility to see Orila.


Once they got there, they had a special treat at the HALL OF LIGHT AND HERVA, and Orila and the Crims knew well about this. But it was their permanent duty in the land of Bragman to prevent all mice from getting there. But sadly enough for him though, some mice have gone there and more mice will still go there.


BACKWARD ROUTE was the road that spanned only one inch and connected the Sooth Forest with and led back to Bragman, and was short enough even for a baby mice to get there closing its eyes. All it needed to do was to choose to do so. And it was baffling also that the REAL ANTS never stopped them. The Crims and the members of THE OTHER EYES SECTION when once such mice arrived, would directly go to make their report – and such mice were always taken instantly to Orila for their pure blood without a waste of time.

Orila and the Crims had had a real time till HO’LOCLASA, the owner of all the jots and dots of Omiram and the fire panels of Heerad and the Holitempest of Not-time-knowers sought to stop this rubbish. It was blood, so he chose blood!

The sky announced its marvel on the mourning day – the one unforgettable day in the land of Bragman. It was quite funny. The Crims had gone to pick a baby mice which was just about to be born. They were waiting, expecting its birth, but this happened to be a twist of an irony. The Crims arrested the baby mice and brought it up to Orila. Orila spotted and jumped and was ready to have his feast of blood. The Crims dropped the mice in the Pallete Plate. Orila gave three counts, grabbed the tender looking mice, grabbed it with his teeth, and there came blood, pumping like an out-of-control flooding broken pipe. There was blood.

But Orila tasted the ever gushing blood and it wasn’t sweet – infact, it choked him such that he shouted to the Crims to put the Palate Plate and the tender looking mice away. Another problem was that the blood seemed to be out of quantity and coming from a seemingly everlasting supply. ‘Where would it be coming from!’. It seemed completely out of place that such volume of blood should be gushing from a tender looking mice, surrendered by a Palate Plate. He marveled. And while the Crims were trying to get the Palate surrendered plate away, more wonder struck. ‘The sky outside was dark’, one of the palace guards reported. ‘It was beginning to be darker than a towel of darkness.’ He was asked to go supervise the skies very well again to be sure. The palace guard came in, moved three steps into Orila’s palace, lifting his first right foot, he could feel something heavy on his foot. It was dark and heavy; heavier than the hills of humwal for a push and in his dreadsome drag, the palace roof suddenly caved in. Orila took off now at an unoccassioned transcendental angle to collide with a guard. He would run. The Crims knew the end had come. It was just one drop of mighty blood from the blood-towel dark sky that pulled the roof of Orila’s palace away. ‘What was happening in Bragman?’ Orila was beginning to remember his sins, but no more of his than that of the mice. In less than a quarter of a second after his thought, the congregation of the hot suppliers of Savernt blood had supplied – BLOOD. It rained with the de-bowelling of the skies and billowing hushing tempest, torrents of blood. It rained chewing the air and space. It rained flogging down the walls, it rained lashing down and putting in disarray, the canals. It rained blood from an everlasting tank of no where from the towel-blood-heavy sky. It rained blood. It rained blood that day. It rained blood from the sky for seven hours. And blood rain doesn’t stop the way the ordinary rain stops. It rained blood till the banks and danks and gangs were full. It rained in a might covering valleys, submerging hills, knocking down trees and all there was in Bragman. Then in a torrent it came and covered the entire city to above 700 feet and everywhere and one were under blood.
Orilasavor, the grand king of Bragman was buried and the whole of Bragman, he was killed and blood came down and ‘washed’ ‘his sins’ away. ‘For without… blood, there is no remission of sins.’
And as it stands, the town is no more known as Bragman, but Blood Town.

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