
3/29/19 Pastor Osteen's Night Seasons

Category: /General/
I am in a night season right now.
You are working behind the scenes.
You do Your greatest work in the dark.
You are still in control.
I need to learn to trust You in the night seasons.
The night seasons are a time of testing and a time of proving.
The night seasons are not the end.
The night season is temporary.
You are at Work.
Rain falls on the just and the unjust.
You have the solution.
Job 7
People don't determine my destiny, God, You do.
All is well and You are still on the Throne.
You are a Big God and You can do the impossible.
You don't waste anything that we go through.
You are making me and You are molding me.
You have taken everything into account.
You are working in me and You are getting me prepared.
Moses was the most humble man in the land.
I grow at night when I am asleep and in the tough times.
You are refining me.
You are incubating me.
Amen, thank You.

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